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Joint Declaration by PMs of Moldova and Poland on Moldova's accession to European Union

10:09 | 05.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/.

Joint Declaration by Prime Ministers of Moldova and Poland on support of Moldova’s accession to the European Union  

We, the prime ministers of Moldova, Dorin Recean and Poland, Donald Tusk, on 4 September met in Chisinau, in order to reaffirm our firm commitment before the values and principles which united our countries and citizens, including the democracy, rule of law state and respect for the human rights. We recognize the deep historical relations and the common aspirations which unite our peoples in the edification of a free, safe and prosperous Europe.    

Recognizing the European aspirations of Moldova and its significant efforts in the implementation of the comprehensive reforms, we welcome the progress made in the consolidation of the democratic institutions, strengthening the rule of law state, promoting the economic development and enhancement of the well-being of Moldova’s citizens.  

Moldova undertook the significant steps to the European integration, including the full implementation of those nine recommendations formulated by the European Commission, official launch of the negotiations on accession at the first Intergovernmental Conference, as well as the progress made in the implementation of the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with the European Union. These sustained efforts prove Moldova’s strong commitment to join the European Union.     

The European Union’s enlargement is a geopolitical investment in peace, security, stability and prosperity. This is an effort based on merit of a country candidate individually. Moldova promotes an accelerated agenda of reforms, recognizing the single window of opportunity emerged in the present geopolitical context, triggered by Russia’s brutal aggression war against Ukraine and the European Union’s interest in investing in peace, stability and security of the continent through its enlargement policy. Poland will support a process based on merits, which will recognize Moldova’s efforts, the constant progress and achievements, as well as the strong political will to become European Union member.      

We speak out for the deepening of our bilateral cooperation in such fields as the trade, investments, energy, security, education and cultural exchanges, consolidating even more the relations between our peoples. We also would like to emphasize the significant role of the community of Moldovans from Poland, as well as of the community of Poles from Moldova, which serve as bridge between our countries. Their assiduous work contributes to both economies, promoting, at the same time, the mutual understanding and the lasting relations.      

In conclusion, we voice hope that Moldova’s way towards the accession to the European Union will be marked by continuous progress and fruitful cooperation. Together, we are united in our vision about a united, peaceful and prosperous Europe.  



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