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Lithuania to provide Moldova with assistance in transposition of EU's legislation in justice sector

11:47 | 05.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - An action plan for the justice sector between the Justice Ministry of Moldova and the Justice Ministry of Lithuania for 2024-2026 years has been signed in Vilnius, according to a press release by the Justice Ministry.  

The plan’s implementation will enhance the exchange of good practices at the technical level between the counterparts, especially in terms of transposition of the European Union’s legislation in the sector of justice and digitalization of the work of the legal professions. Other segments of bilateral cooperation regard: the processes of monitoring of the enforcement of the rulings by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the representation before the European Court, exchange of experienced and information on the protection of the human rights related to the procedures of extradition and international transfer of convicted people; modernization of the penitentiaries’ system and the probation service, policies regarding the combating of corruption and integrity warners, as well as the providing of mutual methodological support to legal experts in joint scientific activities.    

At the ceremony on the signing, held at the headquarters of the Lithuanian Justice Ministry, Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru emphasized the appreciation of the usefulness of the plan compiled between the two ministries. ‘’This joint operational instrument will simplify at the technical level the cooperation and will boost the process of work in the fields indicated. We will be able to turn to account the experience and expertise of Lithuania on the immediate priorities of Moldova, oriented to the process of adjusting the legislation, digitalization of professions, combating of corruption and consolidation of the rule of law state,’’ Veronica Mihailov-Moraru said.  

Justice Minister of Lithuania Ewelina Dobrowolska expressed support for Moldova’s European integration path. She assured Moldova of the support of the Lithuanian counterparts in the efforts to consolidate the justice system. The Lithuanian minister informed about Lithuania’s experience in the complex process of transposing the EU acquis, stressing the implementation of the programme on digitalization of the notary services. She discussed the challenges faced and the benefits got as regards the saving of time, accessibility and resources, both for the citizens and notaries.      

Veronica Mihailov-Moraru a reiterated the Moldovan authorities’ commitment to strengthen the Moldovan-Lithuanian bilateral partnership and expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s willingness to contribute to the development of a justice system which is to meet the needs of Moldova’s citizens. The last action plan signed between the two ministries expired in 2019.    





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