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As much as 2,000 tons of fertilizers to be distributed to 70 farmers in Moldova till late September

12:31 | 05.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Agency for Development sand Modernization of Agriculture (ADMA) till late September 2024 will deliver those 2,000 tons of fertilizers to those 70 farmers eligible, who submitted applications starting from last December. This initiative is part of a vaster effort to back the local agriculture through facilitating the access to essential resources for enhancing the productivity.   

The agreement on grant, ratified in December 2023, gives opportunity to sell fertilizers of the NPK type at advantageous prices, in installments, to local farmers, thus contributing to the optimization of costs and to ensuring a financial balance for them.

The project’s goals is to support the small- and medium-sized farmers hit by the increase in prices for inputs (seed material, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) through providing accessible financial solutions for purchasing phyto-sanitary products and fertilizers.  

The project, Farmers’ Supply with Fertilizers, is the seventh project managed by ADMA, proving the Agency’s commitment to support and modernize the agricultural sector of Moldova. This project is meant for meeting the famers’ needs, ensuring for them access to quality agricultural inputs, which are essential for getting rich and sustainable harvests.   




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