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Moldovan PM visits Lafarge cement mill from Rezina district

19:43 | 05.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today visited the Lafarge cement mill from the northern Rezina city - the biggest producer of cement from Moldova. The PM discussed with employees of the company and its directors the current activity, the situation on market and the plans on the enterprise’s development, the government’s communication department has reported.    

The plant annually produces over 500,000 tons of cement and the assortment of products includes also other construction materials. The number of workers exceeds 170 people and other workers are employed based on services contract.   

In those 20 years of work in Rezina, the company has made investments worth 40 million euros and managed to extend the range of products, to put into operation an automatic station of loading cement in bulk, to set modern equipment for packing and depositing cement. Also, the company plans to construct a modern laboratory.   

„The improvement of the conditions of work for the business environment is our permanent goal. We want to create as comfortable as possible conditions for the entrepreneurs, as they, through the providing of jobs and contributions to the budget, are our partners in the development of the settlements and the country’s modernization,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.  

The PM and the company’s leadership also discussed the impact of the plant’s work on the environment. In the last years, sustainable and ecological industrial practices have been enforced here, the technologies of production are modernized and fuels with a low degree of pollution are used.   

The cement mill started working in 1994 and in 1999 it became part of the Lafarge Group; in 2015 – member of the LafargeHolcim Group – world leader in the industry of construction materials, present in over 80 states.    







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