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Moldovan PM says there is one common goal - to edify European Moldova

12:26 | 06.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean, during a working visit to the northern Rezina district, has met residents of the region, in order to discuss the challenges faced by the citizens, the governmental projects meant to back the communities and the importance to speed up the process of Moldova’s accession to the great European family, the government’s communication department has reported.    

The PM referred to the steps followed by Moldova for the in integration into the European Union, noting that the achievement of this goal was essential for the economic growth, ensuring peace, stability and well-being in the country.   

„We have a common goal – to edify a European Moldova and a better living at home. To repair roads, to provide our children with decent conditions in kindergartens and schools, to create well-paid jobs. We have more challenges, but we continue to work – we rehabilitate the road infrastructure, we gradually increase the salaries and improve the working conditions,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

According to the PM, due to the support by foreign partners, the authorities improve the quality of services in more sectors, among which the one of health. Thus, over 3 million lei was invested in the endowment of district hospitals; 12 assistance centres in case of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) were opened in Moldova. The efforts in the education sector continue and through the European Village governmental programme, investments are made in settlements’ development. At the same time, the authorities prepare for assimilating the funds due to be accessible on the pre-accession period.    

In discussions, the citizens referred to the challenges in the agricultural sector, animal husbandry, the need to combat the corruption, reform the justice, as well as the importance of the fight against the misinformation and propaganda.







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