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Moldovan parliament speaker refers to Moldovan-Russian relations, situation in Transnistrian region, priests' pilgrimages at TV programme

12:54 | 06.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moscow’s candidates at the presidential elections due this autumn, the evolution of the Moldovan-Russian relations, the situation in the Transnistrian region and Moldovan priests’ pilgrimages to Russia were the main subjects discussed by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu at a private TV station on 5 September evening.    

In the context of the presidential elections, Grosu reiterated that the current head of state, Maia Sandu, was the candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS). The electoral campaign will be held with the slogan, For Moldova. Igor Grosu noted that ‘’this is the simplest slogan, which is in line with the wish of most people.’’   

The Moldovan parliament speaker emphasized that many people perceived the elections as a jumping board for the parliamentary elections due in 2025. At the same time, he said that ‘’Moscow continues to throw pawns into the campaign.’’

„Moscow understands that there is no certain favourite candidate; therefore, it launched more candidates to be tested. Thus, more pawns are thrown into campaign. Their cynicism can overcome the imagination. We follow their behavior; nevertheless, we focus on our campaign. We continue informing the citizens about the importance of the elections and of the referendum,’’ Igor Grosu said.    

The speaker stressed that there should not be illusions as to the behavior of Russian towards Moldova.

As for the banning the use of the name ‘’Transnistria’’ for the breakaway Moldovan Dnestrian republic, the parliament speaker described the decision as ‘’propagandistic actions and smoke-producing actions.’’

As far as the participation of the citizens from the left bank of Dniester in the elections is concerned, the speaker underlined that the right to informing was quite important to be observed.   

The parliament speaker referred also to Moldovan priests’ pilgrimages to Russia. Igor Grosu said that he would like the Church not to get involved in politics.  

„As citizen, I notice that each time when we have an electoral campaign, temptations appear. The temptations grow and regard not only political actors, but also clergy representatives. I would like the Church not to get involved in politics, but to take care of the souls of the believers, to promote the good understanding, to tackle the problems of the society and other social and moral subjects. The involvements and the attempts to make favours make a disservice to the faith,’’ Igor Grosu said.  

The official also touched upon the importance of the constitutional referendum, which ‘’represents a historical moment which we have no right to miss.’’ In the context, Igor Grosu urged the citizens to participate in the referendum and to give their opinions on the country’s direction of development.   


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