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Draft regulation on providing assistance to farmers hit by drought discussed at Moldova's Agriculture Ministry

16:28 | 06.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea today had consultations with representatives of the associations producers of cereals. The sides discussed a draft Regulation on the way of providing the assistance to the farmers hit by the emergency situations with natural character, such as the drought and the quite high air temperatures from the 2024 year, for the crops of wheat and maize.  

The members of the associations came up with proposals and clarifications, meant to make sure that all farmers affected will benefit from support on behalf of the state.  

The draft regulation establishes the way of calculation and providing of the financial support meant for compensating the losses inflicted at the crops of maize and wheat in 2024, as well as the criteria of eligibility and the administrative procedures needed for accessing this support.  

According to Bolea, once the regulation approved, the procedure of submitting the files to the Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA) will start, which will be carried out during 20 working days. After the assessment and approval of applications, decision-makers will start the transfer of financial means to farmers hit, who submitted applications on the providing of assistance.

„The financial support is meant for partially compensating the losses recorded because of the drought and quite high air temperatures, for the crops of wheat and maize,’’ the official said.    

The government has recently ruled to allocate 100 million lei for the partial compensation of losses registered because of the drought and heat. The Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, through AIPA, will distribute this financial assistance.   




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