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Moldova to benefit from investments of 9.5 million euros on behalf of EU for enhancing resilience, settlement's development

17:20 | 06.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from significant financial support worth 95.5 million euros on behalf of the European Union, in order to consolidate its national security and back the process of European integration. The project, EU4 Resilient Moldova – Safe State, Strong Communities, launched in Chisinau today, regards the creation of a safer environment through the consolidation of the capacities of the state’s institutions and efficient management of the emergency situations.   

According to a press release issued by the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova, within the project, EU4 Resilient Moldova – Safe State, Strong Communities, five settlements of Moldova will be selected to implement the Smart Village concept, each one receiving 80,000 euros for innovating projects. Investments in photovoltaic parks will be made in these villages, with a budget of up to 190,000 euros per one settlement.    

Also, five cities will benefit from financing of 200,000 each for projects on urban revitalization, meant to improve the residents’ living standards. At the same time, 12 municipal enterprises will be endowed with specialized intervention technology, solar panels and other technologies of alternative energy. The head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Peter Wagner, said that Moldova made significant progress in improving the resilience and security of its citizens.   

At the same time, EU informs that it will provide support for the endowment of institutions subordinated to the Interior Ministry with protection equipment needed for ensuring the security and quick reaction in critical situations. Thus, till November 2025, ten posts of firemen volunteers will be reconstructed and another ten existing posts will be endowed with modern equipment.  

In the context, Interior Minister Adrian Efros said these investments would help Moldova identify and counteract the security threats.

It is worth mentioning that the project has duration of 18 months and implies the cooperation with the Interior Ministry and its subordinated institutions, Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry and the Agriculture and Food industry Ministry.     





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