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Original library inaugurated nearby Moldova's government building

18:15 | 06.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - A public space called, European Library, today was inaugurated nearby the government building. The event takes place in the context of marking the day, Read a Book.   

According to Deputy Prime Minister Cristina Gherasimov, through those six small houses full with books, placed around the government building, all people fond of literature are invited to come here to read on grass or to take a book and put another instead.

„As for the other people fond of literature, we will create together a generosity cycle, sharing with the other readers the books which they liked. I was happy to see tens of pupils who came to discover our street libraries. I learned from them that they like to discover the world through books and I wished them not to lose this passion. As a book always brings us closer to a dream. I invite you to be by one book closer to Europe,’’ the official said.    

Attending the launch of the library were dozens of pupils, as well as government employees.

„I saw such initiatives in more European states and I am very much happy that we have street libraries in this space around the government building, which is a public one and anyone may come and read. This is a small, but important step to Europe,’’ Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, writer Oleg Serebrian said.  

The libraries were completed with numerous books brought by representatives of the diplomatic corps and of the European Union National Institutes for Culture.

The project is carried out by the KA-TET Foundation, and the organizer is FILIT Chisinau.

The books were donated by the National Library of Moldova and Librarius.







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