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Moldovan president participates in National Forum of Ethnic Minorities

21:29 | 07.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today participated in the National Forum of Ethnic Minorities. ‘’For us, for me does not matter what language the man speaks, what ethnic roots he/she comes from, what religion he/she has – for me, especially in my capacity of President, one thig is essential – that this man is the citizen of the Republic of Moldova.’’   

The Moldovan president said from the rostrum that she wanted to edify an inclusive and strong society in Moldova.  

„I want us to manage to edify in Moldova the inclusive and strong society which we want, one which turns to good account the cultural diversity, protects the traditions of the communities and encourages the citizens to speak and preserve the mother language. And namely this guarantees our accession to the European Union,’’ Maia Sandu said.    

The head of state also gave a message in the Russian language ‘’Moldova’s road towards EU includes boundless possibilities of development of the Moldovan culture. But it will be possible, if we everybody gather. What we do at present will determine our fate, the fate of our children and of our country for tens of years ahead. We have no right to make mistakes,’’ the Moldovan president stressed.    

The National Forum of Ethnic Minorities is organized by the Centre of Civic Initiatives for National Minorities and is set to provide a space of open dialogue for all ethnic communities of Moldova, contributing to a better understanding of their challenges and opportunities.  

At the forum, experts in human rights, politicians and representatives of the civil society discussed a string of topical subjects. Among them, there were the Moldovan legislation and ways to better implement it for the benefit of the national minorities from Moldova, as well as the public policies meant to promote the inclusion and equality of chances. Besides, the participants in the forum tackled the importance of the intercultural education and the cultural diversity in schools, the role of the mass media and civil society in the promotion of the minorities’ rights and ways of stimulating and development of the economic development in the ethnic communities.   

The event is financially backed by the Soros Moldova Foundation and the European Endowment for Democracy.  







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