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Moldovan president says leadership increases pensions during three years more than in last ten years

17:41 | 08.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 8 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu, in a public report to the citizens, speaks about the fulfillment of the promises assumed four years ago at the taking over of the mandate of Moldova’s president. The head of state on 7 September reported about the third goal out of those five announced ones – the increase in pensions.     

„In 2020, when we promised that the minimum old age pension would be of 2,000 lei, we knew that quite large resources would be needed, but the increase in pensions was urgent and crucial for our elderly people. In three years, we increased the pensions more than they had grown in the last ten years. The minimum pension increased twice from 1,143 lei to 2,778 lei. Also, the average pension – from 2,067 lei to 3,926 lei. The payments allocated for pensions increased by 11.3 billion lei against 3 years ago.        

Yes, more is necessary and the inflation was a problem, but we moved in this direction with accelerated steps. Who three years ago was receiving a bit more than 1,000 lei, presently has almost 3,000 lei. All pensioners with pension under 5,000 lei in 2022 received a one-off benefit of 1,500 lei and in 2024, 47,000 pensioners with low pensions received one-off financial assistance of 3,000 lei,’’ the Moldovan president said.   

The head of state also referred to the citizens’ supply with medicines, opening of drug stores in rural settlements. ‘’We increased by 40 per cent the number of medicines provided for free. For the first time ever, a string of medicines is provided free of charge and the others are compensated at the level of up to 80 per cent. We open drug stores in 150 villages where local drug stores have never been,’’ Maia Sandu said.

At the same time, the Moldovan president touched upon the assistance provided on behalf of the state to the elderly people. ‘’During two years, we provided compensations in invoices worth about seven billion lei to 790,000 households. We increased the monthly winter benefit from 500 to 800 lei. And all these benefits came amid an economic crisis and a war at the border. They show that, for us, the improvement of the living conditions for the elderly people is fundamental and we act for this no matter the economic difficulties,’’ Maia Sandu said.       

On 20 August, President Maia Sandu, who is at the end of mandate, started her public report to the citizens. The head of state reports about the fulfillment of each of the five goals assumed in 2020: getting Moldova out of isolation and rapprochement with the European Union; allocation of two billion lei annually for projects on villages’ modernization; minimum pension of 2,000 lei; jobs in Moldova and united families; justice, order and discipline.   

The head of state concluded that the promises made at the taking over of the mandate of president had been fulfilled, to a great extent.  







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