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Centre of Cahul city renovated with support of European Union, UNDP Moldova

18:33 | 08.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 8 September /MOLDPRES/ - The adjacent area of the Nicolae Botgros Community Centre from the southern Cahul city, the access to the Nufărul Alb (White Water Lily) Sanatorium and a road segment of the Victoria blvd. were renovated. The works, worth over 1.817 million euros, were carried out with the financial support of the European Union (80 per cent of the overall sum) and the contribution of the Cahul city hall (20 per cent of the total sum)     

Thus, pavements were made in the central zone of the city, a road segment with a length of 0.7 km was asphalted and lanes for cyclists were made; three fountains were constructed with lights show and music and a playground for children was arranged.     

The Cahul city mayor, Nicolae Dandis, has said that the centre of the city was turned into a nice area through this project.   

„Through this project, we have created another nice area in the centre of the city and consolidated the capacity and the proper environment of work of one of the most important culture institutions from the settlement, the Community Centre from Cahul. We thank EU and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova,’’ the mayor noted.  

Attending the inauguration of the area, the team leader of the portfolio of competitive and inclusive growth of the European Union’s Delegation in Moldova, Julda Kielyte, said that the revitalization of the city’s centre would stimulate the businesses, cultural places, sports facilities and entertainment options.    

„The revitalization of the urban centre’s infrastructure will create a hospitable area, so that the people, especially children and young people, enjoy their free time. The European Union was proud to support the Cahul city. Through diverse initiatives, in the last four years alone, EU provided over 10 million euros to finance projects which improved the public services, infrastructure, business environment and the local governance. These investments represent the proof of EU’s commitment for the city’s well-being and prosperity,’’ Kielyte said.     

The project on revitalization and modernization of the central area of the Cahul city was selected by the citizens following a contest organized by the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme, which invited the residents of Cahul to propose ideas for the transformation of their city.   

The works on the modernization of the central area of the Cahul city were carried out within the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDEP and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). They were carried during September 2023 – August 2024.  








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