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National Bank of Moldova participates in G20 Summit for the first time ever

10:17 | 10.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The National Bank of Moldova (BNM)  participates in the global meeting of the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) for the first time ever. The event is organized in the context of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG). 

The meeting is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Moldova is represented by Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) Anca Dragu, thus marking a historical first ever event for the participation in this international high-level forum.   

Attending the meeting will be over 40 leaders in the sustainable financing sector, governors of central banks, including high-level representatives of G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, SBFN members, experts of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC).  

In her capacity of representative of an emerging country, the BNM governor will take part in a panel discussion titled, SBFN Members’ Highlights, during which she will discuss the subject on the sustainable financing from the viewpoint of the commitment of the National Bank of Moldova as to the elaboration and implementation of a national framework of sustainable financing adjusted to the best international and EU’s practices. At the same time, Anca Dragu will share BNM’s experience as regards the working out and development in cooperation with IFC, of the roadmap for sustainable financing.    

In November 2023, BNM joined the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network – a voluntary community of authorities regulating the financial sector, central banks, finance ministries, environment ministries and industrial associations on emerging markets, committed to promote the sustainable financing. According to BNM, the accession to SBFN will allow adjusting Moldova’s financial system to the national and global priorities in this field.   



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