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Law on promotion of use of energy from renewable sources published in Moldova's Official Journal

10:58 | 10.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The decree on the promulgation and the law on the amendment of the Law on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources have been published in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) and will enter into force in next October.   

Under the document, the Energy Ministry will take over the competence of monitoring the fulfillment by the big eligible producers of the obligations established in the Regulation on the holding of tenders for the providing of the status of big eligible producer. Also, the people asking for the connection evaluation reports will no longer be obliged to submit a performance bond for the units of generation from renewable sources which exceed the capacity of 200 kW.  

Another provision of the law refers to the fact that those who produce renewable electric energy for their own consumption should benefit from the net invoicing also for the power stations placed outside the consumption place. The local public authorities which have more consumption places, such as the street illumination system, mayoralty’s building, community centre, kindergarten, will benefit from this, for instance.  

The law was completed with provisions which regulate the organization and work of the communities of energy from renewable sources. The main goal of the community is to produce and use energy from renewable sources, in order to meet the needs of energy of the members or associates of the community. The members of the community can be private people, association of owners from condominium, other legal entities with non-profit purpose, small- and medium-sized enterprises, villages and towns represented by their executive bodies, as well as vulnerable energy consumers. The participation in a community of energy from renewable sources is voluntary. The National Energy Regulatory Agency will be in charge of the elaboration and approval of the Regulation on the communities of energy from renewable sources and will establish the Register of these communities.  

The present law inters into force one month after its publication in Moldova’s Official Journal.



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