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UAHELP Information System to work in Moldova for managing flow of Ukrainian refugees

11:30 | 10.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The UAHELP Information System will work in Moldova, which will ensure the creation of a unified and systematized database on the record of the placement centres for the people displaced from the territory of other states and will allow, through the online interface, to authenticate and register the displaced people and the families which host them.

The system was established, in order to manage the flow of refugees and efficiently monitor the displaced people. The system will facilitate the access to data in real time, generating instantaneous reports on the actions carried out to back the refugees, as well as to monitor the process of distributing the monetary support, including the one provided to the host families.  

The new information system will allow centralizing and systematizing the data on the requests of assistance received at the Green Line, the situation of the displaced people, the centres of temporary placement, the host families and the support provided by the international partners.    

The concept of the UAHELP Information System was published in the Official Journal of Moldova (Monitorul Oficial) today.  The document was worked out by the Labour and Social Protection Ministry, with the support of the World Food Programme (WFP Moldova) and of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR Moldova).

The war in Ukraine, which started on 24 February 2022, triggered a large flow of displaced people who look for refuge in Moldova.   



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