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Moldovan president meets returning Paralympic team at Chisinau Airport

14:47 | 10.09.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Paralympic team today returned from the Paris Paralympic Games and was met by President Maia Sandu, Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun and more supporters at the Chisinau International Airport.

The sportspeople were met with flowers, applauses and embraces. The backers expressed gratitude and admiration for the work and results achieved by Moldova’s representatives at the Paralympic Games.   

„Welcome at home! We are here, in order to express our appreciation and gratitude, to congratulate you on the extraordinary results. We have two more medals at these Olympic Games, won by Ion Basoc and Oleg Cretul.  We congratulate also all the other participants who had qualified and competed with over 4,000 athletes from all over the world, from more than 150 countries. Our sportspeople represented us with great dignity. I hope that we will everybody learn, both the young and the elder, to understand that anything is possible if we make effort and work honestly. I hope that we will have as many as possible children and young people who are to follow the example of these heroes,’’ President Maia Sandu said.   

„Today we say ‘’Welcome at Home!’’ to our Paralympic sportspeople who represented us with very much dignity and were an example of resilience for all of us. We thank you for everything you have done for Moldova, for the extraordinary results. You proved once again that everything is possible. You are an inspiration for of all of us. Congratulations!’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said.    

„We felt the support of our country. Thank you,’’ said Oleg Cretul, who got the bronze medal.

The national Paralympic team won two medals at this edition, both at the para judo event. Ion Basoc (+90 kg) got the silver medal and Oleg Cretul (-90 kg) – bronze medal. With these results, Moldova ends the Paralympic Games on the 73rd position out of 184 countries.   

The Paris Paralympic Games were held on 28 August – 8 September and brought together about 5,000 sportspeople, who competed at 22 sports disciplines.   

So far, Moldova’s Paralympic team has participated in eight editions of the Paralympic games and won two bronze medals, both in 1996.  










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