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Warning! Employees of National Bank of Moldova do not contact by phone or through any means any private person, legal entity to ask for personal data

12:46 | 11.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The employees of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) do not contact by phone or other means any private person or legal entity, in order to ask for personal data. BNM today made a warning to this effect, in the context of the unveiling by law-enforcers of a case of swindle, through which unauthorized access to the payment card was allowed, in order to purloin financial means.     

„If you are contacted by someone who asks you to give personal data and presents him/herself as BNM employee, you are the victim of a swindle!’’ BNM said.  

In these conditions, the National Bank of Moldova reiterated the need of maintaining a high level of confidentiality of the data on the payment card, which represents personal information and must not be divulged whatsoever, even to the representatives of the banking institutions.     


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