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Moldovan cabinet earmarks additional resources for development of settlements iun Security Zone

18:14 | 11.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The programme of activities for the country’s reintegration for 2024 will be completed with five new projects on the modernization and consolidation of more education institutions, buildings for the providing of social and medical services, placed in settlements in the perimeter of the Security Zone, the government’s communication department has reported.     

Thus, besides those 26 earlier approved projects, the nourishment block of the Gymnasium from Oxentea will be repaired, the court of the Vasile Alecsandri Gymnasium from the Copanca village, Causeni district, will be paved, as well as the Health Office of the Curatura village, Alcedar commune, Soldanesti district, will be repaired.   

At the same time, a sports field will be constructed in the Mateuti commune, Rezina district, and a space for commemorating heroes will be set in the Chircaiesti village, Causeni district.   

Thirty one projects worth 15 million lei in all were financed through the programme of activities for the country’s reintegration this year.  




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