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Moldova to benefit from 4.6 million euros in education

10:22 | 12.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from an investment of 4.6 million euros for the capital renovation of two student hostels and backing universities in ensuring the process of higher education’s internationalization. The provision is contained in the amendment to the Agreement on financing (Higher Education Project) between Moldova and the International Development Association (IDA), approved by the government on 11 September.    

„We will renovate a hostel from the Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University and one of the Moldovan State University (USM). And to attract more foreign students and consolidate the financial capacities of our universities, we will support the efforts of internationalization of the higher education institutions. We will give priority to specialists with pedagogical, engineering, information technologies, veterinary medicine profiles. The principal beneficiaries of these investments will be four big universities from Chisinau,’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said.    

Thus, on the internationalization dimension, decision-makers will ensure the accreditation of 16 syllabi in English language, the consolidation of the knowledge of English language for 300 teachers, elaboration of the curricular support and of the teaching materials in accordance with the international standards, consolidation of the capacities of the higher education institutions which provide international syllabi.     

The Higher Education in Moldova Project is implemented by the Education and Research Ministry and is financed by the World Bank during 2020-2025. The overall value of the project is over 35 million euro.  

Within the Project, seven higher education institutions and six pedagogical colleges from Moldova benefit from modernizations of the infrastructure of the institutions and of the syllabi according to the labour market’s requirements. Also, almost 3,000 managers and university teachers were trained in the elaboration of the curriculum, monitoring and ensuring of the quality, evaluation of qualifications in the higher education.    

Among the results of the project’s implementation, there are the working out of over 300 qualification standards for the syllabi of degree education, education for master degree and doctor’s degree in 18 education sectors, as well as the digitalization of the diplomas issued by the higher education institutions during 1992-2008, a volume of about 270,000 recordings, which will provide an efficient instrument of verification and validation of the education documents.    





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