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REFERENDUM 2024 // Deputy Prime Minister: I firmly believe our citizens will show that they know what is best for our country

14:37 | 12.09.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, Sep 12 /MOLDPRES/- We are working hard to mobilize as much as possible the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to have a positive result in the republican constitutional referendum. I am firmly convinced that this time, on 20 October 2024, our citizens will show that they know what is best for our country. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Popșoi made the statements at a private TV channel's show.

The official noted that only a positive outcome will demonstrate both inside and outside the country what Moldovan citizens really want.

"We are working hard to mobilize the citizens of the Republic of Moldova as much as possible in order to have a positive result in the republican constitutional referendum. I am referring both to those at home and to those who have had to leave, where they see their future on this piece of land, where they want to see their children's future, in a place of security, prosperity and democracy, such as the European Union, or in a region of aggression, death and daily killing, because that has been the alternative for some time now. If anyone was still under the illusion a few years ago that there was an alternative - the European integration from February 2022, any illusion for any rational person should have vanished," said Mihai Popșoi.

The official called on citizens to mobilize for the referendum and participate in the electoral exercise.

"There is no alternative but to have as much mobilization as possible so that everyone at home and abroad, our friends, can really see what the citizens of the Republic of Moldova want and how much they want it. Thus, there will certainly be reciprocity among our partners in the European Union, to the extent that we will demonstrate that we want this, that is why the turnout at the referendum is as important as it can be", he said.

The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that our citizens have proved not once that they are capable of choosing what is best for their children and country.

The republican constitutional referendum will be held on 20 October 2024, the same day as the presidential elections. Citizens will answer the question "Do you agree with the amendment of the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

The results of the plebiscite will be the basis, if most people answer yes to this question, on amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, so that the desire for European integration will be binding for all future governments.





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