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PM of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg welcomed to government by Moldovan Prime Minister

10:54 | 13.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Sep 13 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luc Frieden is on a visit to Moldova. The official was welcomed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the Government.

The two prime ministers had a bilateral meeting. Afterwards, an enlarged meeting of the delegations of the two countries was scheduled.

After the talks at the Government, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg will go to the Presidency, and will meet President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu.

Recean also met with Luc Frieden in Luxembourg this June during the first meeting of the Republic of Moldova - European Union Intergovernmental Commission, which officially launched the EU accession negotiations.

During the visit to Chisinau of the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, the access of people will be restricted in certain places in Chisinau, in the city center and on the arteries connecting with Chisinau International Airport. Drivers are urged to comply with the requirements of traffic officers, to show patience and discipline, and not to deviate from the road traffic Regulations.

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg were established on June 16, 1992.

The volume of Moldova's foreign trade with Luxembourg in 2021 amounted to 2.5 million dollars. There are 31 enterprises with Luxembourg capital registered in the Republic of Moldova, the amount of invested capital amounted to 131 million lei.

Luc Frieden has been Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg since November 2023.







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