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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: House of Culture in Popeasca renovated

14:55 | 13.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sep 13 /MOLDPRES/- The cultural center in Popeasca, Stefan Voda district, has been renovated. The works were carried out under the first edition of the European Village program and thanks to it, now more than 2,400 residents of the village can enjoy a modern cultural building, equipped with heating and ventilation system.

It has been in a deplorable condition lately. It could not function properly due to a lack of interior repairs and adequate equipment.

Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development has allocated almost 4.5 million lei, and the local public administration has contributed about 75 thousand lei for the project.

"Since the reopening of the building, the social and cultural activities have practically been going on. After a break of seven years, it was only last year that the regional festival "In the Poiana Dorului" was organized, which brought together more than 200 folklorists from three districts: Causeni, Cimislia and Stefan Voda. The festival, each time, is held in the Nighicei Gardens, an area in which it is planned to set up a tourist stop, which will start from the square with recreational areas, proposed for development by the European Village program 2024, for which we were selected," Popeasca mayor Ion Pădureț said.

Also in Popeasca, under the Express European Village program, another project has been carried out for the development of the sports field and the reconstruction of the mini-football field in the locality. The direct beneficiaries of the project are about 350 children from the village, the two football teams (seniors and juniors), as well as more than 50 Ukrainian children from the Refugee Placement Center of Popeasca.

The total value of the project is over 550 thousand lei.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development, 85 cultural buildings and 190 sports and playgrounds in the Republic of Moldova have been renovated/modernized/fitted with furniture and equipment through the European Village program, first edition, and Express European Village program.








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