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Moldovan president attends event on marking 60th anniversary of work of Technical University of Moldova

17:25 | 13.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today congratulated the professors and students of the Moldovan Technical University (UTM) on the marking of the 60th anniversary of its work and academic excellence, the presidential press service has reported.  

Maia Sandu said that, during its existence, the University had had capacity and flexibility to reinvent itself, adapting to the scientific and technological developments, giving the students admitted topical specializations, relevant for the national economy. The head of state stressed that all these represented the merit of more generations of professors who were honoured today.   

„UTM has had and continues to have an important contribution to the country’s development and modernization, especially now, when we make efforts to build a digital, green and competitive economy, prepared to be part of the European Union’s Single Market. We are grateful to all those who, through research, innovation and, certainly, work, contribute to the edification of the Moldova of Future. Congratulations, dear UTM professors and students!’’ President Maia Sandu added.     




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