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Moldovan electoral body cancels registration of Chance Political Party as participants in ballot due on 20 October

22:33 | 14.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC), at a today’s meeting, cancelled the registration of the Chance Political Party as participant in the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October 2024, thus cancelling the Commission’s decision No. 2829/2024. This comes in the context of the fulfillment of a ruling by the Balti court, under which the limiting of the work of the Chance Political Party for a term of 3 months was instructed, maintained also by the Court of Appeal through the ruling from 11 September 2024.  

At the same time, CEC excluded the Chance Political Party from the list of political parties which have right to participate in the presidential elections and in the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October 2024, earlier approved.    

Also, CEC rejected the application on the registration of the initiative group for the backing of the candidate for the office of the candidate for the office of Moldova’s president, Avelin Tabarcea. The decision is based on the ascertaining of the fact that a direct political relation is recorded between the aspirant and the Chance Political Party, whose member he is and was nominated as candidate for the local general elections from the autumn of the 2023 year.  

The reexamination of the application was dictated by the ruling of the Chisinau Court of Appeal from 12 September 2024, under which the electoral authority was obliged to act and to issue a ruling following the application’s examination. We emphasize that also earlier the application on the registration of the initiative group for backing Avelin Tabarcea has not met the needed number of votes for registration.    




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