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Moldovan electoral body decides organization of 234 polling stations abroad for republican constitutional referendum, presidential elections due on 20 October 2024

23:00 | 14.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has decided the organization of 234 polling stations abroad for the republican constitutional referendum and the elections for office of Moldova’s president, due on 20 October 2024. Three of these polling stations will be set up for Moldova’s citizens on the territory of the United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, who chose to use the alternative way of voting, the vote by correspondence.         

Under the CEC’s ruling, the decision was taken in line with the provisions of the electoral legislation and with the preliminary notice of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE). Thus, the polling stations will be created at the headquarters of the diplomatic missions and the consular offices of Moldova, as well as in other settlements, based on the data of the preliminary registration, information submitted by the Foreign Affairs Ministry on the number and place of stay of Moldova’s citizens abroad, other relevant information: official data held and or/periodically published by the competent authorities of the host countries concerning the number and place of stay of Moldova’s citizens abroad, data submitted by the Diaspora Relations Bureau from the State Chancellery.      

The electoral council of the electoral constituency for the polling stations created abroad No 38 will set up the polling stations and their electoral bureaus in the terms established in the calendar programme for the carrying out of the actions of organization and holding of the elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican constitutional referendum, due on 20 October 2024 and the calendar programme for the carrying out of the actions of organization and implementation of the vote by correspondence.   

At the same time, under the CEC’s decision, MAE is given the task to identify the rooms of the polling stations, in line with the technical conditions established by the normative framework, as well as to put up people as heads and secretaries of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations.   





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