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Moldovan president conveys congratulatory, appreciation message to all social employees on professional holiday

15:28 | 15.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu said that today she was supposed to participate in the celebration of the national holiday of the social employee, which was cancelled because of the weather, in order to protect the people, the presidential press service has reported.     

At the same time, the head of state thanked all social protection sphere employees for the devotion and care they permanently had for the vulnerable people. ‘’Besides the sense of responsibility, much empathy, self-denial and compassion are needed, in order to do day after day, night after night, the noble jobs of taking care of bed-ridden elderly people, of women who lived their lives in violence or to be with the parents who bring up children with disabilities with much love. You are the ones who give hope and confidence, comfort and sympathy,’’ the Moldovan president stressed.      

The head of state noted that the field in which the social employees work had been subjected to a huge pressure because of the war in their neighbour country, the large number of refugees, of the pandemic and the economic challenges. ’’We coped due to the extraordinary involvement of each of you. The state must be with the first-line employees and the reform started one year and a half ago has the goal namely to mobilize additional resources,’’ President Maia Sandu also said.      

The Moldovan president said that the steps made, including with the help of the development partners – extension of the personal social assistance service through the employment by the ministry of 895 personal assistants in 2023, increase in salary for 420 servants, the compensatory payments provided to the personal assistants in last March and April, the investments announced by the ministry, of 70 million lei for social services, cannot solve all problems accumulated in the social system during decades.        

Yet, they prove the direction in which we move – improvement and extension of the social services and payment of proper attention to the people on the first line. ‘’The entire society regard you with admiration and gratitude,’’ the head of state added.   




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