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Moldovan PM attends Moldova -EU Investments Forum

17:00 | 16.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau,16 September /MOLDPRES/ - The business environment is the most important partner of the government in ensuring the citizens’ well-being and it is in the interest of the authorities to back the entrepreneurs as much as possible. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect at the Moldova-European Union Investments Forum, organized within Moldova Business Week 2024, the government’s communication department reported.   

The PM referred to reforms which regard the business environment and the government’s efforts to meet the investors’ requirements as quickly as possible. ‘’The digitalization does not mean that we simply transfer the process from paper to digital means. We make the re-engineering of the business processes in Moldova,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.     

„It is in our interest to support you as much as possible, so that we are able to change for the better the things here, in Moldova. I urge you to invest in Moldova: we have talent, spirit of innovation and we are looking for long-term capital, in order to turn them to good account,’’ the prime minister noted.     

The discussions at the Moldova-European Union Investments Forum regard the contribution of the business community in the process of Moldova’s European integration, financing available for increasing businesses, as well as the development of the renewable energy and a sustainable economy.  

The event was organized by the European Business Association (EBA) from Moldova. Moldova Business Week 2024 is carried out on 16-20 September. For the first time ever, the Week takes place in in four key regions; Chisinau, Edinet, Ungheni, Balti and brings together over 1,000 business people, investors and experts, who will explore the economic potential of Moldova.






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