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Moldovan government makes call to EU for creating development, solidarity Fund for Moldovan agriculture

18:53 | 16.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - We have submitted a message to the European Community and more European officials on the dimension of agriculture. A message through which we ask for the creation of a Fund of development and solidarity for the Moldovan agriculture. Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea made statements to this effect in Brussels today.      

“This message will reach also in form of official letters submitted to different European institutions and not only. As we care about the farmers and the agriculture of Moldova,’’ the agriculture minister said.  

The Moldovan official said that, in 2024, the drought, heat, hail, as well as the floods of the last days had reached alarming levels, endangering not only the harvests, but the viability of the sector itself – a vital sector for the Moldova’s economy and food security.   

„Our farmers, many of whom are small producers, are at the end of their powers. Because of the extreme weather conditions, the losses in the agriculture are huge and the domestic resources are no longer enough for ensuring the continuity of their work,’’ Vladimir Bolea stressed.    

According to the Moldovan minister, despite the efforts made by Moldova’s government, which repeatedly allocated emergency funds to support the farmers and adopted a special Law, which allows them having a six-month period of time to renegotiate their contracts on crediting, the impact of the drought and floods continues to be devastating.    

„Although we have done everything possible, the needs are big and our resources are limited. The agriculture of Moldova needs now, more than ever, assistance on behalf of the European Union. Therefore, on behalf of the government and of the farmers, I demand your support for the creation of a Fund of solidarity and development for the Moldovan agriculture, meant for the Moldovan farmers hit by the drought and the floods. This fund would be an essential instrument which would ensure the continuity of the work of our farmers, giving them access to the resources necessary, in order to overcome these difficult moments. I will tackle this subject during my discussion with European Commissioner for Agriculture Wojciechowski,’’ the minister said.     

On 15-16 September, Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea pays a working visit to Brussels, where he has scheduled meetings with high-ranking European officials. During the visit, the official will have meetings with Deputy Director-General in charge of Eastern Neighbourhood, Economic Investment Plans and Relations with IFIs Adrienn Kiraly and European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski.

The visit’s agenda also includes subjects on the consolidation of the Moldova-European Union relations, especially on the situation from agriculture in 2024, cooperation in the field of agriculture and rural development.   



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