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Lithuania to strongly support Moldova in European integration process

18:03 | 16.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - Lithuania will strongly support Moldova and will send experts, in order to provide assistance to this process. Foreign Affairs Minister of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis today made statements to this effect at a joint news conference with Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi.  

The Moldovan diplomacy head thanked his counterpart for the prolific cooperation from the last years.  

„I am happy to host today my good friend Gabrielius Landsbergis, a devoted friend of Moldova. Our relations with Lithuania from the last period have been excellent and it is difficult for one to find another country, besides Romania, where the list of bilateral visits is so long and so intense. I am happy to see my counterpart in Chisinau, especially at such an important event as the Moldova Partnership Platform. In a decisive moment for our country, before the referendum due on 20 October, we enjoy the support of the partners. Lithuania this year marked 20 years since its accession to the great European family. We also want to soon mark the first anniversary of our country in the great European family. And we rely on the generous support of Lithuania,’’ Popsoi said.       

The Moldovan minister noted that Moldova had been the first to recognize the independence of Lithuania in 1990 and extremely close relations have been connecting the two countries since then, both at the political and at the economic levels.  

„We are grateful for those over 150 assistance projects implemented in 30 years. In the last two years alone, over 4 million euros was directed by Lithuania for projects in our country. We are grateful also for the political support and for the support provided to our citizens, in the context of the difficulties we go through as a result of Russia’s barbarian aggression against Ukraine. Moldova has been and will be on the side of the good, on the side of the international law. We will provide, in continuation, support to our friends and neighbours from Ukraine, just as the Lithuanian government is doing as well. As the stability and peace unites us. And this is our firm desideratum – to be member of the great European family. An area of peace, prosperity and good understanding,’’ Mihai Popsoi also said.    

The Lithuanian official reiterated that his country strongly supported Moldova’s integration into EU.  

„I had a lot of visits to Chisinau and each time, I feel exactly as among friends. Now, I am in a nice context – the Moldova Partnership Platform. I want to say that Moldova has already achieved very much; it got the status of country candidate. This is a huge achievement and I am sure that you, the country’s citizens, are proud of this. We are with you and we will stay with you at each step on this travel to EU. The process of reforms is not simple; it is not easy for anybody. It was not simple for us either; it lasted; it demanded much consensus, but it was worth it. You will achieve results as well, I am sure,’’ Landsbergis noted.    

Foreign Affairs Minister of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis is on a visit to Chisinau, to participate in the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform.






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