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Electoral body receive documents, subscription lists for registration of two candidate for Moldovan president's office

18:21 | 16.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today received the documents and the subscription lists for the support of two candidates for the office of Moldova’s president, at the elections due on 20 October 2024: Ion Chicu, nominated by the Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova Political Part and Irina Vlad, nominated by a group of citizens.    

Under the legal provisions, CEC during seven days at the most, will verify the documents and the subscription lists and will decide on the registration or refusal the registration as candidate for the position of Moldova’s president.   

The normative framework sees that, if two potential candidates submitted the documents on the same day, CEC organizes the drawing of lots for setting the preliminary order on the ballot paper. Thus, following the drawing of lots, CEC established the following preliminary order: Irina Vlah – the fifth position; Ion Chicu – sixth position.     

The deadline for the submission of the files by potential candidates for the office of Moldova’s president expires on 20 September 2024.   



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