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Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform held today in Chisinau

10:42 | 17.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- The 5th Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform is being held today in Chisinau. The event is expected to be attended by 65 delegations led by ministers, deputy ministers and state secretaries of partner countries, representatives of the diplomatic staff and international organizations.

The work of the platform will take place in four groups. The first cluster will be justice, anti-corruption and security, the second cluster - energy, energy efficiency and environment, the third cluster - economic, sustainable development and strategic infrastructure and the fourth cluster - public administration reform and public finance management. The event aims to connect Moldova with the European Union through various joint projects.

Government Spokesman Daniel Voda said that the delegations participating in the event will arrive at the Palace of the Republic at 7:30 in the morning. In the platform's debut, there will be signing of memorandums of understanding and financial packages with various organizations, such as: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, USAID, as well as partners from Germany, the European Union, Norway, Canada and other institutions.

The Platform is organized under the patronage of Prime Minister Dorin Recean, who will greet the audience and deliver the opening messages. After which, President Maia Sandu will outline the overall objectives and priorities for the country.

"More than 65 delegates will speak, one by one, in a limited time, about what has been achieved, what is being done and what will be done in support of the Republic of Moldova. In the afternoon of September 17, press statements and other communication opportunities will be organized," the government spokesman said.

He emphasized that through the event, the Republic of Moldova is demonstrating that it is a provider of stability, a country where democracy is being built and opportunities are transformed into well-being for citizens.

"Moldova is changing. In the previous editions, Moldova was a state exposed to vulnerabilities and in need of urgent support to cope with the adverse consequences of the war in the region. But now, as we are strengthening our efforts and integrating more effectively into the European area of peace and well-being, we are no longer those who just ask without offering anything in return. We are credible partners for the countries participating in this initiative", explained Daniel Voda.

It is an initiative of Romania, Germany and France, which aims to generate immediate political, financial and material assistance, as well as in-depth expertise for the democratic reform process from the institutions and member states of the European Union, the G7 countries, international financial institutions and international organizations, as well as other development partners. The purpose of organizing the Conferences is to mobilize, focus and coordinate political, technical and financial support from developed countries to the Republic of Moldova.

The first Ministerial Conference of Moldova Support Platform was held in Berlin, Germany on April 5, 2022. The second edition took place in Bucharest, Romania on July 15, 2022. The third edition of the Conference took place in Paris, France on November 21, 2022. The next edition took place in Chisinau on October 17, 2023.






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