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Moldova Partnership Platform // Nine agreements worth 385 million euros signed in Chisinau

16:12 | 17.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova has got a significant support within the Partnership Platform for speeding up the country’s modernization, stimulation of the sustainable economic growth, improvement of the living conditions and adaptation to the climate changes. New agreements on financing today were signed at the meeting in Chisinau. The documents will support the investments in infrastructure and the transition to the green and sustainable economy, for the benefit of the citizens, the government’s communication department reported.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that the implementation of these agreements would have a direct and positive impact on the living standards of the people from Moldova. ‘’Our goal is to improve the living conditions of the citizens. We are grateful to our friends for the support provided, which is essential in the achievement of these objectives,’’ the PM stressed.    

The governments of Moldova and Canada signed an agreement on loan on easy terms worth 120 million Canadian dollars (about 79 million dollars). The financing will support the vulnerable families, the integration of Ukrainian refugees, will promote the growth of the sustainable economy and will contribute to the transition to a green energy.   

The governments of Moldova and the United States agreed on an amendment worth 12 million dollars (about 10.7 million euros) to the agreement on assistance for strengthening the democratic institutions. The new support will contribute to the improvement of the quality of public services, enhancement of the transparency of the state’s institutions, will promote the independence of the mass media and will encourage a more active involvement of citizens in the decision-making process.

The governments of Moldova and United States signed a new amendment to the Agreement on assistance on the development goal worth over 26 million dollars (about 23 million euros). The new financing will back the development of trade, the improvement of the investment climate, the increase in exports and the consolidation of the energy security through the diversification of the energy supply sources and consolidation of the national energy infrastructure.   

The government of Moldova and the French Development Agency signed an agreement worth 25 million euros, meant for the financing of the state budget for boosting the transition to the green economy. The Agreement will support the reforms in the energy sector, the enhancement of the energy efficiency, extension of the use of renewable energy, consumers’ protection and protection of the environment.     

The Labour and Social Protection Ministry and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation signed a Memorandum of Understanding worth 8 million Swiss francs (equivalent of 8.5 million euros) for the improvement of community projects on the support of the equality of chances between women and men, as well as of women’s active participation in the decision-making process.  

The Energy Ministry, National Centre for Sustainable Energy, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Germany, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the European Union and the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Norway   concluded a multilateral agreement, signing an Intention of Cooperation in the energy efficiency field in the residential sector of Moldova. The overall value of the partners’ financial support is of over 20 million euros.  

The government of Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement, through which the  Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P Fund) provides a grant worth over 4.3 million euros for the modernization of the waste management infrastructure. The project, which is already under implementation, regards the improvement of the infrastructure of collection, transfer and treatment of waste in the cities of Cahul, Cantemir, Taraclia, Comrat, Vulcanesti and Ceadar-Lunga. With the finishing of the project, a station for sorting and composting of waste will be constructed in Cahul and in the other cities – stations of transfer of waste.   

Moldova and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed an agreement on non-refundable assistance, under which Moldova will be provided a grant worth 12 million euros of the European Union within the project on rehabilitation of a segment of 128 kg of railway on the Valcinet-Ungheni-Chisinau-Cainari.      

Under the agreement signed with EIB, Moldova will benefit from a loan on easy terms worth 200 million euros for the planting and rehabilitation of 63,000 hectares of degraded grounds and forests in the next four years. This support will allow achieving 44 per cent of the goals of the National Programme on the Extension and Rehabilitation of Forests. The financing will cover also the investments necessary in infrastructure and equipment for the sustainable management of forests, will create new jobs in the forestry sector in rural areas and will encourage young people’s integration into the profession.    

These agreements, worth 80 million euros as grant and 305.1 million euros as loans on easy terms, represent an essential assistance for the country’s economy and the environment, representing a significant investment in the improvement of the citizens’ living standards, increase in the number of well-paid jobs and promotion of the development of infrastructure, renewable energy and the related sectors, the government said.











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