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Moldovan PM says country lays foundations of substantial, long-term growth, with support of partner, friendly states of Moldova

18:30 | 17.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government makes efforts, in order to lay the foundations of a substantial and long-term economic growth and Moldova continues to develop, despite all challenges faced. This is possible also due to the support of the foreign partners, whom Prime Minister Dorin Recean conveyed a message of gratitude today, at the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform, the government’s communication department has reported.     

The PM stressed the essential role of this platform in backing the European integration way of Moldova, in the context of which the negotiations on accession to EU were started this year. While initially, the Platform was focused on the immediate needs to absorb the shock of the crises dealing with the Russian aggression in Ukraine, presently, it supports the long-term development of Moldova, in line with the strategic goal of joining the European Union.     

„We lay the foundations of a substantial and long-term growth, focusing on the fields which have both a proper capacity of absorption and the potential to generate an additional growth. Thus, we give priority to the infrastructure, energy, sustainable agriculture and with high value added and the extension of the sector of small- and medium-sized enterprises,’’ Dorin Recean said in his speech at the opening of the event.   

Besides the efforts of attenuation of the consequences of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, the prime minister also emphasized the present need to back the agricultural sector, as a result of the extreme weather conditions. Thus, an initiative was proposed to create a Fund of development and solidarity for the agricultural sector, meant to help the farmers cope with the difficulties triggered by the natural calamities, to adapt to the climate changes.  

The developments and measures due to be carried out in the priority fields of action today were discussed within those four working groups: Justice, anticorruption and security; Energy, energy efficiency and environment; Sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure; Reform of the public administration and management of public money.  

In the statements made after the event, the foreign affairs ministers of the states initiators of the Moldova Partnership Platform expressed the commitment to support the European integration way of Moldova and to provide assistance for the carrying out of the reforms which will help the country advance on this path.  

Foreign Affair Minister of Romania Luminita Odobescu said that, during those four ministerial conferences and, through the activity of the working groups subordinated, the participants had managed to mobilize important resources for backing Moldova. ‘’Romania will continue to be with Moldova bilaterally and at the European level as regards the negotiations for the accession to the European Union, as well as regarding the concrete aspects dealing with the economic development, consolidation of infrastructure and especially the energy security.  We have, at the bilateral level, multiple projects at diverse phases of implementation and we stay deeply dedicated to the commitment taken at all levels, in Bucharest, to provide every support which we ca mobilize for the benefit of Moldova,’’ Luminita Odobescu said.      

For her part, the German diplomacy head, Annalena Baerbock, also highlighted the diplomatic success of Moldova Partnership Platform.  ‘’We switch to strategy from the reactions to crises. Despite the difficult regional context, the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the hybrid war faced by Moldova, you have managed to get ever closer to the European Union, due to the perseverance of the authorities and of the citizens. Moldova is well-prepared, but we still have much to do, all together,’’ the German official said.   

Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi thanked the partner and the friendly countries for the generous support provided to Moldova. ‘’This support is seen in all the villages and cities of our country through infrastructure and energy efficiency projects, projects which strengthen the resilience of our institutions, in the context of the hybrid threats,’’ the Moldovan diplomacy head said.   

„We are in the situation in which we can reset the support platform into the one of partnership and we are confident that we have overcome the most difficult period and we can plan on medium- and long term, thing and consolidate the democracy, the rule of law state and the economy of our country,’’ Deputy PM Mihai Popsoi also said.   

Nine financing agreements were signed at the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform, the implementation of which will speed up the country’s modernization and the adaptation to the climate changes.   

The fifth edition of the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform is held Chisinau today. Attending the event are 65 delegations, led by ministers, deputy ministers and state secretaries of the partner countries, of the diplomatic corps and international organizations.







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