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France, Germany, Poland sign declaration supporting Moldova's European path

13:44 | 18.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Sep 18 /MOLDPRES/- Foreign ministers of Weimar Triangle countries - France, Germany and Poland - signed a declaration at the Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform expressing their firm and continuous support for Moldova in the accession process to the European Union.

The three states congratulated our country on the start of EU accession negotiations in June and say that this was possible thanks to democratic reforms, the courage of political leaders and the determination of Moldovan citizens.

The officials also welcome the progress made by the Republic of Moldova and urge it to maintain the path, while pledging to continue to assist our country to ensure respect for fundamental EU values such as human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

At the same time, the ministers of the three states welcome Moldova's success in repelling Russia's destabilization efforts and commit to support the process of strengthening Moldova's resilience and capacities to fight Russian threats.

Germany, Poland and France also pledge to help Moldova strengthen its security and defense capabilities.

"We believe that EU membership is the best way to ensure that Moldova becomes a modern, developed and secure country," the statement said.

The head of diplomacy in Chisinau, Mihai Popșoi, welcomed the recognition by France, Germany and Poland of the progress made by our country on the European path and reconfirmed the firm commitment of the Moldovan authorities to carry through the reforms necessary for EU accession.


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