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Energocom company of Moldova resumes procurements of energy from Nuclearelectrica stock company of Romania

14:56 | 18.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom stock company has reserved a part of the monthly capacity for next October for the procurement of electric energy from the Nuclearelectrica stock company of Romania, for the first time ever for the interconnection electric energy systems of Moldova and Romania.   

Thus, Energocom informed that, starting from October 2024, it would buy 10 MW (interval 24/24) and ‘’in the next months, this quantity might increase, depending on the domestic needs.’’ The price for energy from Nuclearelectrica is capped by an emergency ordinance, to 400 Romanian lei.   

Energocom noted that the procedure of reserving the capacity had implied the submitting of a bank guarantee and the participation in a tender organized by Romania’s transport system operator, Transelectrica, as a result of which the Energocom stock company was declared winner.  

„The reserving of the monthly capacity for the first time ever takes place by observing EU regulations – a similar procedure used also in the case of the procedures of allocating the daily capacities simultaneously with Moldova’s synchronization to the ENTSO-European system, in March 2022.’’  Energocom said.   

According to the quoted source, by tendering the capacities, decision-makers have the goal to get transparent and non-discriminatory conditions for all participants in the market.  

In 2023, the Energocom stock company provided the necessary quantity of electric energy for the consumers on the right bank of Dniester by purchasing energy on the domestic market from the Kuchurgan power station of the Transnistrian region, as well as from import. The electric energy imported accounted for 6 per cent (about 250,000 MWh). It was purchased from Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica and OPCOM of Romania, as well as from Ukrhidroenergo of Ukraine.       


Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom stock company has reserved a part of the monthly capacity for next October for the procurement of electric energy from the Nuclearelectrica stock company of Romania, for the first time ever for the interconnection electric energy systems of Moldova and Romania.   

Thus, Energocom informed that, starting from October 2024, it would buy 10 MW (interval 24/24) and ‘’in the next months, this quantity might increase, depending on the domestic needs.’’ The price for energy from Nuclearelectrica is capped by an emergency ordinance, to 400 Romanian lei.   

Energocom noted that the procedure of reserving the capacity had implied the submitting of a bank guarantee and the participation in a tender organized by Romania’s transport system operator, Transelectrica, as a result of which the Energocom stock company was declared winner.  

„The reserving of the monthly capacity for the first time ever takes place by observing EU regulations – a similar procedure used also in the case of the procedures of allocating the daily capacities simultaneously with Moldova’s synchronization to the ENTSO-European system, in March 2022.’’  Energocom said.   

According to the quoted source, by tendering the capacities, decision-makers have the goal to get transparent and non-discriminatory conditions for all participants in the market.  

In 2023, the Energocom stock company provided the necessary quantity of electric energy for the consumers on the right bank of Dniester by purchasing energy on the domestic market from the Kuchurgan power station of the Transnistrian region, as well as from import. The electric energy imported accounted for 6 per cent (about 250,000 MWh). It was purchased from Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica and OPCOM of Romania, as well as from Ukrhidroenergo of Ukraine.       



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