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Moldovan president discussed with PACE delegation on ensuring integral electoral process

14:20 | 18.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Sep 18 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu met today with a delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which is on a pre-electoral mission in Moldova. The meeting took place in the context of the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum for accession to the European Union on October 20, the presidential press service has reported.

The talks focused on the steps taken by the authorities to ensure the organization of a fair, transparent and free of external interference election. Maia Sandu reaffirmed the authorities' firm commitment to holding free and democratic elections, underlining the importance of respecting international standards.

The participants in the meeting also approached the challenges to democracy, including the dangers posed by disinformation, illegal financing of electoral campaigns and attempts to influence the vote through voter corruption. The officials emphasized the importance of efforts to protect the integrity of the democratic process in the Republic of Moldova.



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