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Local commissions for emergency situations assess damages caused by rains in Moldova

14:18 | 18.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The local commissions for emergency situations work for the assessment of the damages caused by the last days’ rains, so that the authorities subsequently intervene in the cases when needed. The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, has made statements to this effect. He came up with details on the authorities’ interventions in the context of the heavy rains.     

Daniel Voda said that the local and central authorities cooperated ‘’in cascade regime,’’ which means that, in each village or town of Moldova, local commissions for emergency situations work, which collect the information, assess the damages and convey the data to the district commissions for emergency situations. ‘’The latter, for their part, analyze the information and, depending on the resources they have, decide what actions are to be covered from district resources, while the others, which are not able to be covered by the local authorities, are transferred to the government. Respectively, the authorities have every openness on behalf of the local specialty institutions and commissions to as quickly as possible collect these details and information, in order to intervene as case may be and help people where necessary,’’ Daniel Voda said following a today’s cabinet meeting.      

The spokesman for the government also said that, after 72 hours of enhanced activity dedicated to the management of the bad weather, the Management Centre in Emergency Situations returned to its daily regime of work, ‘’which means that the degree of alert was switched to the normality regime, preserving, at the same time, its readiness for the management of the emergency situations.’’

In the context of the rains, the authorities carried out 402 missions of liquidating the consequences of the bad weather in all, of which 214 cases of pumping water from households. Daniel Voda said that, at present, there was no pumping water operation underway.     

„Most interventions took place in the centre of the country; we have over 145 missions, followed by 77 interventions in southern Moldova. Also, 42 national roads were hit by floods and 30 roads were fully flooded, with the situation remedied at this point,’’ Daniel Voda also said.   

At the same time, works of strengthening and rehabilitation of protection dams were carried out along the Dniester river, in the perimeter of the district Stefan Voda and on the Prut river, in the Cantemir district.  

About 5,600 employees of the Interior Ministry, Defence Ministry and other authorities participated in actions of management of the emergency situations, with the use of 489 special vehicles.  

In the context of the heavy precipitation from late last week, Prime Minister Dorin Recean today demanded the inventorying of all reservoirs and protection dams from Moldova. The PM specified ‘’a lot of these floods and losses occurred namely because the things are not all right in this sector.’’  



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