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Moldovan Energy Ministry says information on increase in natural gas tariff, ceasing of gas supply fake

19:01 | 18.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Energy Ministry today said that the information recently appeared in the public space on the increase in the tariff for natural gas and ceasing of the supply with natural gas in certain time intervals was fake.   

„The Energy Ministry informs that this information represent fakes distributes with ill-will, sent from a false email, which imitates the official email,’’ the quoted source noted.   

In this case, the ministry notified the competent bodies about the spread of fake news.  

The authorities urge the citizens to be informed only from official communication channels.

Information on an alleged increase in the tariff for natural gas and the ceasing of the supply of natural gas in certain time intervals appeared in public space today.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean has recently given assurances to Moldova’s citizens that they would not pay higher tariffs for gas and electricity in this season.  



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