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PM says business can be done easier, more efficiently in Moldova now

18:04 | 18.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government supports the innovation and commits to attract important foreign investments. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect. He informed about the allocation of 5 million euros in the budget for next year for the development of startups in the IT sector, the government’s communication department reported.   

At the sixth issue of the SUM IT UP event, organized by the Moldova Innovation Technology Park on 17 September, in the context of the Moldova Business Week, the PM appreciated the development of the IT sector in Moldova. The prime minister highlighted the benefits and the perspectives of the sector, stressing, at the same time, its role for the stimulation of the economic growth.   

„Moldova is a country with an extraordinary potential of innovation and development of the digital products. We have gifted people and the opportunity to transform the country into a top regional destination for tech products and services at the highest level. Now, more than ever, we can do business easier and more efficiently at home, providing attractive opportunities both to local entrepreneurs and to foreign investors,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.      

At the same time, the prime minister noted that Moldova provided attractive opportunities both to local entrepreneurs and foreign investors, as the country is a safe place for developing businesses.

Moldova IT Park has over 2,000 active residents, including 270 companies with foreign capital from 40 countries. The community comprises more than 22,000 employees.





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