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Rectors of several Romanian medical universities gathered at USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"

13:08 | 19.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Sept. 19 /MOLDPRES/- Cooperation relations between medical universities of Romania and the Republic of Moldova will take on new dimensions in the development of higher medical education and its harmonization with European standards. Rector Emil Ceban made the statement at a meeting with rectors of the Romanian medical and pharmacy universities, who gathered at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The meeting was attended by heads of Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.

According to Emil Ceban, the meeting aimed at discussing the problems and challenges of higher medical education, highlighting the importance and impact of bilateral collaboration for quality assurance in medical education and research, as well as identifying solutions and new opportunities for joint development of educational and research projects, organizing academic mobility for students, resident doctors, scientific and teaching staff and researchers, participating in international programs.

Ceban highly appreciated the friendly relations and effective cooperation between medical universities of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, calling for the expansion and consolidation. "As partners and members of G6-UMF Alliance, we have the opportunity to share and implement best practices in the management of higher medical education institutions and to promote academic excellence. We are firmly convinced that our cooperation will take new dimensions for the development and modernization of higher medical education and its alignment with European standards," he said.

Rector of Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca Anca Dana Buzoianu also said that the existing bilateral partnership will be strengthened multilaterally, offering increased opportunities for growth and innovation in the medical education and scientific research, while strengthening academic ties between Romania and Moldova. "The G6-UMF Alliance has reconfirmed the commitment to support the integration of higher medical education of the Republic of Moldova to European requirements and standards. This collaboration is important for the consolidation of medical education at European level and for the development of a modern and competitive international academic framework", the G6-UMF Alliance head said.

The Romanian rector reiterated that the prospects for cooperation with our university are also opening up under the cross-border projects, especially research projects, which will boost as soon as the Republic of Moldova joins the European Union.

The other rectors - members of the G6-UMF Alliance - also spoke in favour of expanding and strengthening the collaboration in the didactic, scientific and clinical fields, carrying out academic mobility, exchanging textbooks in Romanian, English and French, organizing congresses and scientific conferences, publishing articles in academic journals etc.

The event was followed by the joint conference of the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova and the National Council of Rectors of Romania, held in Chisinau with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of Romania's Government.


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