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Moldova Business Week in Edinet: local and international entrepreneurs discussed investments, partnerships, business environment

13:58 | 19.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 19 /MOLDPRES/- Over 60 local and international entrepreneurs, officials and development partners gathered in Edinet at an event organized under Moldova Business Week 2024, to discuss investments, new partnerships, export promotion and business environment.

The participants emphasized the importance of drawing foreign investors, developing the industrial and agribusiness sectors and strengthening collaboration between local and international entrepreneurs. They also discussed the new investment profiles and cooperation opportunities.

Director of the Investment Agency Natalia Bejan said that the event is part of the numerous regional actions organized within Moldova Business Week 2024. "So many positive things are happening and we have so many success stories. The Republic of Moldova has a productive capacity that sometimes even we do not realize. Although it is a small country, Moldova is the largest exporter of plums to the European Union and the third largest exporter in the world. The industries presented today in Edinet - agri-food and electronics - are areas where we have clear competitive advantages", Bejan said.

"At local level, it is essential to be active and the support of external partners is crucial for the development of a region. We are well aware that if we relied on our own resources alone, we would not have come very far. Together, however, we have managed to make Edinet one of the most visible and successful localities in terms of energy, transportation, accessibility and much more," Edinet mayor Constantin Cojocari said.

Diana Jabłońska, Head of Unit C1 within the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), emphasized that as the Republic of Moldova continues on its European path, collaboration between companies and local authorities becomes even more important. "The EU reaffirms its commitment to stand by Moldova, as together we will continue to build on the successes of our joint initiatives, aiming for a prosperous, democratic and European Moldova," the official said.

Andrian Digolean, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, stressed the importance of investments in the agri-food sector. "About 20% of Moldova's GDP comes from agriculture and food industry. Around 40% of the country's exports are agri-food products and 67% of Moldova's land is agricultural. Our main objective is to implement new technologies in this sector and attract investment," said Digolean.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization Viorel Garaz said that industrial parks are the future of investment in Moldova, and the one in Edinet is a clear example of this. "The combination of agriculture and advanced technologies brings significant added value to business. We are capable of building a high-performing economy, and our development partners support us, for which we thank them," he said.

More than a thousand entrepreneurs, business people and investors are participating in the 2024 edition of Moldova Business Week. This year's event is held on September 16-20 in several regions of the country. For five days in four regions of the country, Chisinau, Balti, Edinet and Ungheni, as part of Moldova Business Week 2024, participants discuss the investment climate in Moldova, attracting funds and developing sustainable partnerships, including the opportunities that open up with the start of EU accession negotiations.





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