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Germany to assist country to boost security capabilities

13:34 | 19.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Sep 19 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will benefit from the German Government's equipment aid program for foreign armed forces. The members of the parliamentary commission on foreign policy and European integration approved today the opening of negotiations on an agreement between the Moldovan and German governments.

The program aims to strengthen the non-lethal military capabilities of the partner states, as well as contribute to ensuring peace and security at both national and regional levels. It will target several projects for our country.

A technical maintenance center will also be built, rooms for storing ammunition will be renovated and a single computer network will be set up in the national army.

The program does not provide for the delivery of weapons and ammunition or permanent training. Under the program, the German Federal Foreign Ministry will be responsible for financing the projects, while the German Federal Ministry of Defense will be responsible for seconding advisory teams.

The cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Federal Republic of Germany in the military field started in 2003, when an Agreement was signed. 


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