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Job fair held in Chisinau

14:17 | 19.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Sep 19 /MOLDPRES/- Over 3,000 job vacancies were offered today at a job fair organized in the capital. The event was attended by over 60 employers, who presented available job offers.

The fair was held at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau. The event is organized by the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).

The official opening of the event was attended by Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu. He emphasized that the fair will open new opportunities for cooperation between employees and potential employers.

"I am very pleased that such a large number of employers are participating in today's fair. I am happy to see so many participants here. A job can open up new career opportunities. That's why I urge you to discuss, ask questions and exchange contact details with employers. I would very much hope that as a result of this fair, as many young people as possible will find a job", said Alexei Buzu.

ANOFM Director Raisa Dogaru noted that more than 60 employers from various branches of the economy are participating in the event.Present at the event, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergiu Harea congratulated the event's organizers on this occasion.

"The 60 participating companies are growing, they are institutions of perspective. That is why I urge young people who are looking for a job in the Republic of Moldova to actively participate in such events in order to discover new job opportunities on the labor market", Harea noted.

"The job fair has already become a traditional event. Chisinau city hall supports the organization of events with community impact. The fair is a platform for employers and employees to communicate. Interaction and communication matter a lot. Thanks to the event partners. This is the only way we can contribute to the economic growth and well-being of citizens", emphasized Deputy Mayor of the capital Angela Cutasevici.

The General Directorate of Employment of the Chisinau municipality provided participants with information about 6,000 job offers registered in the database.

For more information on job vacancies, people can call 022-822-889; 022822-862 or the ANOFM Call Center - 0 8000 1000 (Monday-Friday, 08:00-17:00), free of charge.

Currently, the ANOFM database has more than 10 thousand job vacancies. In 2023, ANOFM supported about 11 thousand people in the employment process. The target for 2024 is to help 18 thousand citizens find a job.
















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