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Moldova to be able to buy consignments of vaccines, medicines along with EU states

16:11 | 19.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will be able to participate in joint procedures of public procurements for the purchasing of medical contingencies for the serious health threats. The parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration today approved the ratification of an agreement to this effect.    

The agreement on joint procurement is an innovating instrument of organizing procurements of vaccines and medicines in preparation for pandemics. Its goal is to ensure a fair and profitable access to joint acquisitions of medical contingencies. Respectively, following the Agreement’s approval, Moldova will have fair access to vital products of the national health system, especially on the period when such products are scare. At the same time, the joint procurements give possibility to get additional quantities of medicines and medical devices, including at the expense of the quantities reserved by other states which are part to the framework agreement.   

According to the Health Ministry, the joint procurements will result in reasonable prices at the purchasing of medical contingencies for the serious health threats, as well as the minimization of the risk of the counteraction of ill-intentioned economic operators or the purchasing of products of low quality or efficiency. The agreement on joint purchasing for the public procurements of medical contingencies for the European Union’s institutions was adopted by the European Commission in 2014. So far, the Agreement has been signed by all 28 EU member states, as well as by the United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and North Macedonia.        



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