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Festival to Celebrate Diversity of Traditional Costumes and Cultures in Bessarabia

17:03 | 19.09.2024 Category: International

Sofia, 19 sep. /BTA/. The fifth installment of a show called Bolgrad Ethno Fashion will be held in the Ukrainian town on October 12, BTA learned on Thursday from Zhanna Suslina, who is in charge of culture, youth and sports in the local government.

The festival celebrates the diversity of traditional costumes and cultures in the historical region of Bessarabia. It is aimed to preserve and popularize the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Bolgrad (Bolhrad) area, including its customs and folklore. Amateur ensembles, folklore groups, youth folk and ethnic acts and individual performers from Bolgrad and the rest of Odesa Province will be presented.

They will compete in four categories: folklore and rituals, authentic costumes, folk costumes, and stylized costumes. According to Suslina, Bolgrad Ethno Fashion offers the audience a chance to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of popular art and to experience the ethnic diversity of Odesa Province.

Bulgarian music and Bulgarian horo chain dance will be showcased during the festival.

Bolgrad Ethno Fashion was first held in 2019, organized by the Culture and Recreation Centre of the City Council.


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