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PM says Moldova can be transformed into European country only together

18:07 | 19.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today discussed with the local public authorities and deconcentrated services from the north-western Falesti district the importance of the cooperation between the local authorities and the central public authorities for continuing the development of villages and the improvement of the living conditions locally, the government’s communication department has reported.   

The PM assured the mayors that the availability of more funds for development would give them diverse possibilities to improve the things locally. Recean urged them to enhance their capacities of working out and implementing projects. ‘’Due to the European funds, we manage together to modernize the country and to edify Europe here, at home. We must stay united on the way we cover, so that our villages and cities develop and the people live better. Only together, we can transform Moldova into a European, prosperous and safe country for all its citizens,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

Fifteen projects worth about 53.6 million lei have been already carried out within the European Village programme in the Falesti district. Also, another nine projects with an overall budget of 3.4 million lei were implemented within the Express European Village programme. It is about the construction of aqueduct and sewerage systems, setting the efficient street illumination and thermal insulation of public buildings, arrangement of sports and playgrounds.      

At the meeting with the PM, the local authorities of the Falesti district suggested also other segments on which the authorities should focus their efforts, noting the difficulties faced by communities.   

The most topical and pressing need stays the finishing of the construction of the Prut-Falesti aqueduct. About 59 million lei has been allocated to this end through the North regional Development Agency (ADR Nord) and at present, a survey report for wells is elaborated. The prime minister said, in the context, that it was essential to rationally use the water and efficiently manage the water basins, including for the irrigation of agricultural crops with high value added.     

Also, it is necessary to rehabilitate the Falesti water-purifying station, as well as repair more local roads. The dialogue was also focused on ways of increasing the own incomes of the local public administration, as well as on the way the problem of non-exploited commercial buildings and the abandoned houses is managed.   

On the next period, another almost 60 million lei is to be invested in the Falesti district, to carry out 18 projects nominated as winners at the 2024 year edition of the European Village Programme.   







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