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Electoral campaign for participants in referendum, candidates for Moldovan president's office starts on 20 September

18:35 | 19.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - The electoral campaign for the participants in the republican constitutional referendum and the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president, due on 20 October 2024, starts on 20 September.  

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) warns that, on the electoral campaign period, the political advertising is banned and only the electoral one is allowed for the candidates and participants in the referendum, registered by CEC.  

At the same time, the electoral legislation ban the candidates to use administrative sources, including through the launch or participation in the launch of infrastructure projects or procurements made from the national public budget, use of public equipment, means and assets. The public authorities/institutions and assimilated ones cannot transmit/provide to electoral contenders public assets or other benefits, but based on contract, in conditions of equality.    

Also, the electoral contenders are banned from organizing concerts, contests, other events or demonstrations with the involvement of singers, creation and/or artistic staff of Moldova and from abroad, posting of slogans during the carrying out of these events and other messages and/or the distribution of materials containing the symbols of the electoral contender or other elements of its identification, as well as the participation in these events on purpose of political promotion. Electoral contenders can organize meetings with voters and the authorities are obliged to ensure the possibility to hold such meetings in equal terms and conditions.    

In the context, the Commissions called on the electoral contenders to carry out an electoral campaign in strict accordance with the provisions of the electoral legislation.  

Till today, CEC has registered four candidates for the office of Moldova’s president and another five files are under consideration. Also, CEC has registered ten participants in the referendum, with another two files under examination. 

The candidates and participants in the referendum, whose files are under examination, will start the electoral campaign on the date of their registration by CEC.

The last day of submitting the documents is 20 September 2024.



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