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Moldovan police informs about detaining of two brothers accomplices for organization of mass disorder at Central Electoral Commission

18:54 | 19.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Officers of the National Investigations Inspectorate (INI), jointly with policemen from Criuleni and prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating the Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS), with the support of masked policemen of the Fulger Special Police Brigade, have detained two accomplices for the organization of mass disorder at a protest staged outside the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) by an entity affiliated with the convicted Ilan Shor.  

According to the police, the disorder took place in the first week of this month. Following these actions, the CEC headquarters was vandalized.

The two suspects, who are brothers, jointly with the organizer (who is on the wanted list) lured 17 young people from Criuleni, who received instructions from the communication group created on the Telegram platform on ways of causing the destabilization.  

Some of the young people heard, whom the two suspects organized also the carriage to Chisinau, cooperate with the inquiry. They said that they had been promised 50 dollar to each one for participation in the protest and the person who was the first to throw eggs to the entrance into the CEC headquarters was to receive a bonus of 1,000 lei. In the end, they were paid sums of 500-600 lei.   

The infringements committed are investigated by PCCOCS prosecutors, jointly with INI officers, in the context that the organizer of these destabilization actions was remunerated with 20,000 lei and was monthly getting salary through the PSB mobile application of a bank from Russia.



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