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Drawing of lots for two candidates for Moldovan president's office takes place at electoral body's headquarters

19:12 | 19.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today established the preliminary order of registration of two candidates for the office of Moldova’s president on the ballot paper.  

The two candidates today submitted their documents and the subscription lists for the registration in the electoral race for the presidential polls, due on 20 October 2024.

Following the drawing of lots, Octavian Ticu, nominated by the TOGETHER Electoral Bloc, will be on the eighth position and Victoria Furtuna, nominated by a group of citizens, will be on the ninth position.   

Under the Electoral Code, the Central Electoral Commission examines the files submitted and decides on the registration of the candidates nominated during seven days after the date of the acts’ reception.   



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