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Moldovan PM says solutions to farmers' problems can be found only through dialogue

20:03 | 19.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has urged the farmers to come to the table of discussions, as only there solutions can be found to the problems in the sector. The PM also said that it was not enough only to always increase the sums of money allocated for losses, but a serious change is needed, so that the farmers no longer have losses.    

„The situation of more farmers has been quite complicated for many years; this year, the drought and the heat worsened the problems. The government is with the farmers each time; namely therefore, I urge the farmers to come to the table of discussions, as solutions can be found only there,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

The prime minister came up with more specifications as to the actions undertaken in this field on the last period. ‘’The farmers demanded the compensation of losses. The government allocated 200 million lei (100 million lei in last July and another 100 million lei from the Intervention Fund in September). The farmers demanded special law according to Romania’s model – the parliament voted the special law according to Romania’s model. The farmers demanded the rescheduling of the debts – the normative framework was made, in order to allow the farmers not to enforce the owed debts during six months, if they cannot pay them. The farmers now demand the inclusion of the debts from other years, not only from this year and the inclusion of the providers of fertilizers into the non-payment of debts – which means that the entire system will collapse, because nobody pays his/her debts,’’ the PM noted.       

According to the prime minister, in the last four years, the agriculture has been subsidized with seven billion lei – ‘’the largest sum since the proclamation of Independence so far.’’ Dorin Recean also said that ‘’it is not enough only to always increase the sums of money allocated for losses; a serious change is needed, so that the farmers no longer have losses.’’   

„Let us work together in order to find solutions, but I repeat, they can be found only through dialogue, at the table of discussions. And I come up with an urge to everybody – let us not make politics at the expense of the farmers’ needs. The serious problems must not be inflamed electorally, but discussed and solved. We can change the things only through work and involvement.’’    

More farmers today protested outside the Presidency’s headquarters, discontented with the situation in the sector. The head of the office of the president, Adrian Balutel, came to speak to the protesters and invited the farmers to discussions with President Maia Sandu on Wednesday at 9:00.    

Last week, the parliament approved the draft of the special law meant for backing the farmers hit by the severe drought from the 2024 year. Under this law, the farmers will benefit from the prolongation of renegotiations of the payment obligations for the debts accumulated, including the capital ratios, interests and penalties.   







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